Missed Geekery

When I was growing up, we had two Geekdoms, Star Wars and Star Trek. Doctor Who was on hiatus, so no one was Geeking out to Weeping Angels or Daleks. Comics were loved, but like most Geekdoms, it was never talked about.

Now we have so much to Geek about. There is Anime, Manga, Marvel, DC, Lego, video games, Game of Thrones, Dungeons and Dragons, still Star Wars and Star Trek, and the list goes on. It is impossible to cover it all no matter how much you love it all.

For me, there are three Geekdoms I wish I could pay more attention to. I would love to have time for Doctor Who, especially ever since the new female Doctor. I watched the first two episodes of the new doctor and I loved how she was just a bit crazy. The stories were good as well.

I played Dungeons and Dragons during my middle school years and would love to do so again. I loved how a player and Dungeon Master needed to use their imaginations to build these worlds and their brains to solve the problems, instead of hacking and slashing their way through everything. Honestly, I was more hack and slash kind of player.

Finally, I would like to play video games. I’d love to play the Star Wars X-Wing Squadron game and I’ve watched my son play Ghost of Tsushima. That looks fun. However, my favorite has always been StarCraft. I have completed the original StarCraft and played a few of the missions on StarCraft II, but I just cannot find the time to finish all the game. I love the action of the game, but I especially love being in command of all those troops. I love the online game Hearthstone. Think Magic the Gathering, but online. It’s fun and easy to learn, but a challenge. I get into playing it for a few weeks and then I’m drawn away by other stuff.

Though I miss out on so much Geekery, I do love my manga, anime, and Star Wars Lego. At the time of this writing there are several manga and anime I want to dive into, but there’s too much manga and anime and not enough time. Maybe one day I’ll find time for something more.

I believe it is all right if we cannot fit in all of our wanted Geekdom. I feel it is wonderful that there is so much of it now. There’s something for everyone and you don’t have to hide. That is the biggest thing, all Geekdoms are accepted now.

What about you? What is your favorite Geekdom? Do you have a Geekery you wish you could spend more time with? What is it?

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